About Us
California Natural Resources Group (CalNRG) currently operates fields in Monterey, Orange, and Ventura counties and produces California oil and gas in accordance with some of the strictest environmental regulations in the world. CalNRG believes the key to California’s economic prosperity depends on expanding the supply of locally produced oil and gas and continuing to care for our local resources in the only way we know how – by being diligent operators, environmental stewards, and community members.
For more information about CalNRG, you can reach us at 805-477-9805 (office), 888-664-4435 (emergency), or [email protected].

CalNRG Pipeline Operations
CalNRG operates various facilities for the purpose of crude oil and natural gas production. Generally speaking, oil and gas are produced and dehydrated on-site to meet sales specifications and then transported via CalNRG-owned and/or third party-owned pipelines to sales destinations.
Significant time and capital are invested in maintaining the quality and integrity of our facilities and pipeline systems. Hazard analyses, integrity tests, and maintenance are performed on a routine basis and in compliance with state and federal regulations. Personnel and automation equipment monitor pipeline conditions 24 hours per day. Both manual and automatic valves and systems are utilized to isolate pipelines during maintenance and during upset or emergency conditions.
Public Awareness Program
CalNRG maintains continuous communication with various stakeholders, including landowners, business owners, tenants, communities, excavators, municipal officials, and emergency personnel. This ongoing interaction provides us with a valuable opportunity to exchange crucial information, listen to our neighbors’ experiences and concerns, address any queries they may have, and keep them updated on the safety measures and programs implemented by CalNRG.
Our comprehensive Public Awareness Program was specifically designed to focus on the needs and interests of various key groups residing near and with a vested interest in our pipelines and facilities. Through these efforts, we are dedicated to fostering strong relationships with our neighbors and ensuring the safety and well-being of everyone we serve.
This website was designed to meet state and federal regulations regarding public awareness, including the recommended information contained within the American Petroleum Institute’s Recommended Practice 1162 “Public Awareness Programs for Pipeline Operators” (API RP 1162) which is cited herein.
Our most recent public awareness mailer can be downloaded here.
Products Transported in Your Area
One of the primary goals of our Public Awareness Program is to empower stakeholders with the capacity to respond effectively to an accidental pipeline release. By disseminating details about the products transported, these programs enhance stakeholders’ understanding of potential risks associated with accidental releases.
CalNRG transports the following products in and around our facilities. The following tables describe the leak type, vapor properties, and health hazards associated with each.

Pipeline Location
Pipeline Maps
Below is an overview map of CalNRG’s DOT-regulated pipelines located in Ventura county.
The National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) is another resource available to stakeholders. The NPMS is a geographic database and map viewer that depicts natural gas transmission lines and hazardous liquid pipelines under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation (DOT) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and is available at www.npms.phmsa.dot.gov.
Pipeline Markers
Safety is our top priority, which is why the majority of our pipelines are buried underground.
Our pipeline markers (shown here) are strategically placed along our pipeline rights-of-way, including areas like road crossings and railroad crossings, to help you approximate the location of our pipelines, ensuring that you can stay informed and aware of their presence.
Per API RP 1162, “The markers:
- indicate the presence of a pipeline,
- vary in shapes, colors, and sizes,
- identify the commodity being transported (natural gas, crude oil, etc.),
- provide the name of the pipeline operator,
- provide the operator’s telephone number where the operator can be reached at all times.”
Even when pipelines are marked, it’s essential to understand that these markers should not be relied upon as precise pipeline locations and that dig alert tickets should always be called in, even if pipeline markers are visible nearby. Please see the section below regarding damage prevention and the 811 dig alert system.

Damage Prevention
Call Before You Dig
Visit https://www.california811.org/ or dial 811 if you plan on any soil-disturbing activities—including deep tilling, ditching, soil ripping, drain tile installation, digging fence posts, or building roads, sidewalks, driveways, ditches, or buildings.
While pipelines are marked with above-ground markers, it’s essential to understand that these markers should not be relied upon as precise pipeline locations and that dig alert tickets should always be called in, even if pipeline markers are visible nearby.
Please visit https://digalert.org/safe-digging#safe_digging for more information.
Per API RP 1162, “Excavation damage is one of the leading factors for fatalities, injuries, and property damage from pipeline incidents.”
Activities involving excavation, such as those mentioned in the section above, have the potential to damage pipelines and other below-ground utilities posing a significant safety risk to both the excavator and any surrounding receptors.
In order to prevent this damage and reduce the risk, CalNRG urges all excavators to follow the proceeding steps.
Steps to Follow
The following are critical steps to follow for the purposes of pipeline damage prevention:
- Always call 811 or contact the one-call/dig alert center before digging.
- Wait the required time for the site to be marked or for a response from the operator per the instructions provided by the dig alert center.
- Respect the marks made by pipeline/utility companies.
- Dig, excavate, move, or disturb earth with care.
It is every excavator’s responsibility to understand and follow applicable damage prevention laws.
Any and all damage caused to a pipeline or its coating must be reported to the pipeline operator immediately. CalNRG can be contacted via our emergency phone number: 888-664-4435.
Any damage that causes a release should be approached via the steps in the sections below regarding what to do and what not to do in a pipeline emergency situation.
Encroachments, Threats, or Suspected Damage to a Pipeline
Stakeholders are reminded that pipeline rights-of-way (ROWs) should not be encroached upon as this encroachment might prevent a pipeline operator’s ability to maintain the pipeline or respond to an emergency condition.
In the interest of public safety, stakeholders should also always report pipeline damage (including confirmed or suspected dents, nicks, or scratches to coating) and any suspicious activity near pipelines such as unauthorized excavation, sink holes, or vandalism.
If you have any questions regarding encroachment, threats, or suspected damage to a pipeline, please contact us at 888-664-4435 for emergencies or at 805-477-9805 or [email protected] for non-emergencies.
Emergency Awareness and Response
How to Recognize a Pipeline Leak
The following key steps are intended to help a stakeholder identify a potential pipeline leak:
- Look for visual clues: keep an eye out for any visible signs of a leak, such as pools of liquid, dead vegetation, or persistent bubbles in standing water.
- Listen for unusual sounds: pay attention to any hissing or whistling sounds, which could indicate the escape of gas or liquid.
- Smell for unusual odors: some leaks emit distinct odors, like the smell of natural gas, which can be a strong indicator of a pipeline leak.
What to Do in a Pipeline Emergency Situation
If you find yourself in an emergency situation involving a pipeline, prioritize your personal safety by promptly relocating to a secure location. Once you are in a safe place,
- If the emergency is life threatening, call 911 and then contact our toll-free, 24-hour CalNRG emergency number at 888-664-4435, or use the emergency number displayed on a nearby pipeline marker.
- If the emergency is not life threatening, contact our toll-free, 24-hour CalNRG emergency number at 888-664-4435, or use the emergency number displayed on a nearby pipeline marker.
Taking these swift actions will help ensure the appropriate authorities are informed and can respond promptly to the situation.
What Not to Do in a Pipeline Emergency Situation
If you find yourself in an emergency situation involving a pipeline leak, you can help reduce the risk of fire or explosion by ensuring the following near the leak location:
Do not ignite flames or sparks: avoid using open flames, matches, lighters, or any devices that can produce sparks in the vicinity of a suspected gas leak. These can ignite flammable gases. Additional actions that can cause a spark include:
- Operating electrical switches such as on appliances or construction equipment
- Using electronic devices like cell phones
- Starting or stopping vehicles, equipment, or machinery
Do not investigate the source: leave the investigation to trained professionals. Do not attempt to locate the source of the leak or try to repair the pipeline yourself.
Do not assume the leak will resolve itself: gas leaks and pipeline emergencies require immediate attention. Promptly report any suspected leaks as directed above.
Emergency Response Plan
CalNRG is not a first responder and, as such, maintains an Emergency Action Plan rather than an Emergency Response Plan. CalNRG coordinates with local emergency responders in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations.
Emergency Drills and Exercises
Drills and exercises are conducted as part of CalNRG’s emergency preparedness program. If you’re an emergency responder and would like more information regarding our next exercise, please contact us at [email protected].